In this article, we'll guide you through how to share your school's social media posts on your website's homepage feed. This is a great way to keep parents engaged and informed about school news and updates.
We currently support the integration of the following social media feeds:
You can also share posts externally from your website onto social media platforms by following the steps in the below article:
Setting up a social media feed
First you need to make sure that this functionality is available on your website.
If you see an option similar to the ones below on your homepage then you will be able to integrate your social media with your homepage feed.
These examples are for Facebook integration but other social media platforms should look similar:
Please note: The button style may vary to the above depending on the template that your website uses. If you do not see any of the above options or the option for your chosen social media platform is not available then this is something that you can enquire about with your Customer Success Manager (CSM).
In order to set up a social media feed you will need to Authorise access you your social media account.
This will need to be done by an administrator who has the relevant social media credentials.
Authorising Access
To Authorise Access to your social media platform please follow the steps in the following article:
Disassociating Access
If you need to revoke access to your social media account from your website then you can do so by following the instructions in the below article: