Good quality and well cropped images play an important part in communication. Providing images are relevant to the page or news story, they support text and help to engage the visitor.
TIP: If you have lots of images you'd like to share, consider adding them to an Album within a Gallery and using this to embed a slideshow on to your page.
- Click into your content area, where you would like to insert an image.
- Select the Edit tab and click the image icon
- From the Image Properties window. select Browse Server to open the File Manager.
- In the File Manager, you can navigate to an image which has already been uploaded or upload an image into an appropriate folder for embedding on your website.
- Click the image within your File Manager to select it. The File Manager window will close and you will be brought back to the Image Properties window. The image file path will be added to the Image URL text-box.
- Set the other Image Properties.
- Alternative Text - Used by screen readers. Describe the image and function of the image on the page.
Width - Reduce or increase the image width on a page.
- you can set this to either a pixel width by simply entering a number e.g. 300, or to a percentage - like 80%.
- Height - Reduce or increase the image height on a page.
- Lock Ratio - Lock the image ratio so that when either the height or width is adjusted, the other dimension will automatically change to maintain the shape and proportion.
- Reset Size - Reset the height and width back to its original settings.
- Alignment - Position the image left, centre or right of the page.
- Captioned Image - Select to enable a caption field directly below the image which can be clicked to update when editing the page.
NB There is usually a 5MB limit when uploading to the file manger. Whilst we do perform image compression on the pictures you upload, it's important that you consider the size of the image that you are uploading as it will have an effect on the speed of your page loading, and the amount of data used to access the page. There are many tools available which will allow you to resize image files before you upload them.
- Press OK to close the Image Properties window and the image will be added to your page.
- To adjust the Image properties, you can double-click the item on your page to return to the Image Properties window.