Within any page of content, you can create hyperlinks from images or text. These hyperlinks could open up an email, link to a page within the website, an external website or a file document. With the addition of anchor tags, you could also use hyperlinks to jump down the same page to a block of text.
- Email Hyperlink
- Internal Hyperlink
- External Hyperlink
- Document Hyperlink
- Anchor Tag Hyperlink
- Google Document Hyperlink
- Saving your changes
Email Hyperlink
- Navigate to the area of the website where you would like to create an email hyperlink.
- Left-click and drag to highlight text.
- Select the Edit tab and click the link icon.
- From the Link window, set the Link Type drop-down to E-mail.
- In the E-Mail Address textbox, type the recipients' email address.
- In the Message Subject textbox, type a default email subject line. This might be useful to help track where your emails are coming from. For example, the Message Subject could read Website Enquiry.
- If you would like some text to be added to the email body by default, type this into the Message Body textbox.
- Press OK to close the link window and place the email hyperlink on your page.
Internal Hyperlink
- Navigate to the area of the website where you would like to create an email hyperlink.
- Left-click and drag to highlight text.
- Select the Edit tab and click the link icon
- From the Link window, click Internal Link. The Internal Link window will appear, which contains a sitemap view of your website.
- Expand the sitemap by clicking the small triangle icon to the left of each page. Once you have located the page you would like to link to, left click to select it. You will be brought back to the Link window.
- Press OK to close the link window and place the internal hyperlink onto your page.
External Hyperlink
- Navigate to the area of the website where you would like to create a text hyperlink.
- Left-click and drag to highlight text.
- Select the Edit tab and click the link icon.
- From the Link window, set the Link Type drop-down to URL.
- Leave the Protocol set to http:// for standard web pages. There might be times when you are linking to websites which have a Security Certificate. In this instance, set the Protocol to https://.
- In the URL textbox, type the web page or website address you are linking to. You can also copy and paste into this textbox by using the CTRL + C (copy) and CTRL + V (paste) shortcuts on your keyboard.
- As you are linking to an external resource, it's recommended to open the link in a new tab. Press the Target tab.
- In the Target drop-down, set this to New Window (_blank). There are other options available within Target:
- <not set> - The default (Same Window) behaviour will apply.
- <frame> - Target the link to open within an iFrame on your page.
- <popup window> - Configure the link to open in new window where you control the height and width.
- Parent Window (_parent) - Opens the link in the parent page window.
- Same Window (_self) - Opens the link in the same window as it was clicked.
- Topmost Window (_top) -
- New Window (_blank) - Opens the link in a new window or tab.
- Press OK to close the link window and place the hyperlink on your page.
Document Hyperlink
- Navigate to the area of the website where you would like to create a document hyperlink.
- Left-click and drag to highlight text.
- Select the Edit tab and click the link icon.
- From the Link window, click Browse Server.
- Your website's File Manager window will open.
- If the document you require has already been uploaded, navigate to it within your File Manager. Left-clicking on the document will close the File Manager window and bring you back to the Link window.
- If your document is not yet uploaded to the File Manager, navigate to the relevant folder and press the Upload File button. When the upload is complete, left-click on the document to close the File Manager window. This will bring you back to the Link window.
- If the document you require has already been uploaded, navigate to it within your File Manager. Left-clicking on the document will close the File Manager window and bring you back to the Link window.
- Press OK to close the link window and place the hyperlink on your page.
Anchor Tag Hyperlink
This guide assumes you have already created your Anchor Tag and are now ready to create the link.
- Navigate to the area of the website where you would like to create an Anchor Tag hyperlink.
- Left-click and drag to highlight text.
- Select the Edit tab and click the link icon
- From the Link window, set the Link Type drop-down to Link to anchor in the text.
- Click By Anchor Name drop-down to reveal all Anchor Tags that you have created.
- Press OK to close the link window and place the hyperlink on your page.
TIPS:- If you are familiar with HTML5 and CSS3, you can also link By Element Id to link to an html element on the page.
- If you would like to link to an anchor on another page on your site, you can do so by adding #anchorname to the end of the url
Google Document Hyperlink
This option will only be available if your school website administrator has set up the Google Drive Integration within your website.
- Navigate to the area of the website where you would like to create a document hyperlink.
- Left-click and drag to highlight text.
- Select the Edit tab and click the link icon.
- From the Link window, click Browse Server.
- Your website's File Manager window will open and you will see a Google Drive folder.
- Within the Google Drive folder, you will see any shared drives that have been linked to the site.
- Within the folders, you will see the files stored in Google Shared drives and can click to select.
Restricted files, which are not set to be shared publicly, are marked with a padlock icon.
- when a restricted file is selected the user will be warned that the permissions need to be changed to make the file publicly accessible.
- Clicking Go to file will allow them to open the file in the Google Shared Drive (if they have access) and update the permissions.
- If the file is not made public, it can still be embedded, but visitors will need to be logged in to access the files.
- To embed continue and select the document, click insert link
- When you are returned to the link dialog, click OK to close the link window and insert the hyperlink on your page.
Saving your changes
Select Save on the Edit tab and choose the desired save option:
Save Now
- If you see this option, you can save and publish your item immediately to make it live on the website.
- If you have purchased our School News Mobile App, Administrators or Publishers can select the option to send a notification to subscribed app users.
Save Draft
- This will allow you to save your item without publishing it, and return to continue editing via Drafts on the Home tab
Send for Approval
- This option enables you to send an item to be reviewed and approved by either an Administrator or Publisher. Once approved this item will be made live on the site.