Components are a great way to re-use content you have already added to your site elsewhere. There are Components that can be used to embed either a News/Blog Category which will output a list of articles/posts.
Pre-requisite - You will need to ensure you have previously created a news or blog category and created an article or post, so that you have content to embed on to the page.
Inserting the Component
Click the Components icon from the editor toolbar, then select the Website Content> News Category OR Website Content> Blog Category option from the list.
- If you would like to display a title above your component, tick include title, and enter the title text.
- To select your news or blog category, click Browse. You will be presented with a tree-view of your site, showing only items where news/blogs exist. In the tree, choose the item that you would like to embed into your page, then click Select.
Click Limit to set the number of items to display.
- By default the items will be in the order they appear in the original category. You can change the sort order to either; date created or date edited.
- If you only want to show items from the category which were published in a particular date range, set a start & end date.
- Click OK to add the component to your page.