If you have purchased any add-ons which require synchronisation of your MIS data to your school website, so that student, staff and contact information can be shared, we need to establish a link between your school's MIS data and your website. To do this, we use a third-party company called Wonde, who act as a protective layer between your school's MIS data and educational applications.
What to expect
Account Access
If you are new to Wonde, you'll be sent a secure link to create your account. Only an individual who has the ability to authorise access to a school's MIS data is permitted.
App Dashboard
When you log into Wonde, you'll be taken to a dashboard of your pending and approved apps. At this stage, the Juniper option will display as pending. Selecting the app allows you to manage the settings available.
Data Request
Juniper requests the required data for each of the Juniper Website Add-ons. Depending on which tool(s) you have purchased, you will need to allow specific permissions (see below).
Approval Process
When you are happy with the data requested, simply approve access and agree to Wonde's Data Handling Agreement.
Granting Permissions
Email & Text Messaging Permissions
Required Permissions
The below permissions are required for synchronising your email and text messaging tools.
These are recorded by the Content Management System (CMS).
*Personal data for individuals where they are not listed as having parental responsibility, or
where there is an active court order, will not be imported.
Optional Permissions
The below permissions are ones which you can choose to synchronise if you wish to use the
tools for staff communication. If synchronised, these permissions will be recorded by the CMS.
Parent Portal Permissions
The below permissions are required for synchronising your parent portal tool. These are
recorded by the Content Management System (CMS).
*Personal data for individuals where they are not listed as having parental responsibility, or
where there is an active court order, will not be imported. If an employee is marked as not
current, then their personal details will not be imported.
Parents' Evening Booking Permissions
The below permissions are required for synchronising your parents’ evening booking tool. These
are recorded by the Content Management System (CMS).
*Personal data for individuals where they are not listed as having parental responsibility, or
where there is an active court order, will not be imported.
MIS Integrated Calendar Synchronisation Permissions
The below permissions are required for your MIS calendar synchronisation: