In case you need to make an emergency notification, for example in the event of a snow day school closure, the emergency pop-up facility can be switched on within your website. This will switch on a simple, black and while message box which will appear when arriving on the homepage of your website.
This option can only be switched on by a website Administrator.
NB: If you also have a custom pop-up, or enhanced pop-up features, they should be disabled so that only one of the options is live on the site.
To add a pop-up message:
- Go to the Website Tab> Settings> Pop-up Settings> Emergency Pop-up
- Set 'Enable Pop-up?' to Yes in order to switch the pop-up on, or No to switch it off
- Enter a Title for your pop-up
- Enter your message in pop-up content
- Set the date and time you would like to publish and archive your message.
- To check how your message will display, scroll down and click the Preview button
(to return to the editor, click edit in the top right corner, or close the message with the cross)
- Save your pop-up message and confirm you are happy with the schedule.