The Parent Portal is a dedicated area that parents can log in to, and view information shared via any of the linked Add-on tools:
- Behaviour & Attendance Information, synchronised from your MIS System
- Newsletters
- Email & Text message Communications
- Parent's Evening
You can also link additional information, allowing you to provide all the content your parents need at their fingertips. Items from the website will be included seamlessly.
Setting up your Parent Portal
- Synchronisation & Settings
- Editing Parent Portal
- Edit Header
- Edit Menu
- Your Account Form
- Uploading Reports
- Generating Accounts
- Sharing the Parent Portal link to Parents
Synchronisation & Settings
Linking your MIS data to your website requires a secure connection from your school's Management Information System (MIS) to Juniper Education. As such, we integrate with a company called Wonde. Wonde provides a high level of security, allowing you to remain in control of the data accessed through your website.
Wonde will contact you directly to create an account and will help you with setting up the integration. You will then be able to provide the relevant permissions for your chosen add-ons.
Once the integration has been completed, your data will begin synchronising with your website. Prior to using the add-ons, you should check that the data is synchronised as expected via the Data Dashboard.
There are also a number of settings that will need to be updated before you are ready to use the Parent Portal.
Editing Parent Portal
- Click on the Edit Parent Portal button on the Communications Menu to get started.
Edit Header
- Most of the content on the header is automatically populated, to show information about the selected Pupil. There is also a field which shows the Upcoming Term which picks up the correct date based on the dates you add here.
- To update the dates, add or edit the Term details and click Save Settings at the bottom of the page. These dates can also be updated in Add-on Settings
Edit Menu
- Default items will appear at the top of the menu, depending on the Add-ons you have purchased:
- The Dashboard will always appear and shows the Attendance & Behaviour/Achievement data from your MIS system.
- The Dashboard will always appear and shows the Attendance & Behaviour/Achievement data from your MIS system.
- To add and edit additional items in the menus on the left of the Parent Portal, click Edit Menu.
Main Navigation Links will appear at the top of the menu, under the default items. Sub Navigation items will appear at the bottom, near the Your Account Link.- Give your link a Title
- Select the Type of link. This will affect how the items you choose from the website will display within the Portal.
- Click on Choose CMS Item and select the item you wish to include from the website.
- For Main Navigation links, you can select an icon to display.
- When you have finished, click Save Settings to update the Menus
Your Account Form
- This section allows parents to provide you with updates to their information in order to allow you to amend your records in your MIS system. It will not update the details for you.
- You can choose which information you want to allow them to let you know about, by dragging fields onto the form.
- Under Form Settings, you can update the Message displayed to the user when they submit their details, and also the message that is sent to the Communications Administrator containing the information.
Generating Accounts
Once you are happy that everything is ready to share on your Parent Portal, you will need to Generate Accounts for Parents
Sharing the link to Parents
You can also share the link to the Parent Portal, or add it in to your website, to give Parents easy access. The link will look like this: