If you have purchased the Parent Portal and/or Parents' Evening Booking system, you will need to generate accounts for your parents to log in.
TIP: Before you generate parent accounts, you should make sure that you are happy with the data that has been synchronised from your MIS system to the website by checking that the data is present within the Data Dashboard. Only contacts who are parentally responsible and have an email address will be set up with an account. The Data Dashboard will help you identify any contacts who do not have one.
If this is the first time you are generating accounts, you should also make sure a role has been added to User Manager to hold the Parent Accounts, and that the contact settings have been updated so that the accounts will be added to the correct group as per the steps below.
Parent role in User Manager
To check if there is already a Parent Role set up;
- Navigate to User Manager which is located under the HOME tab and check if there is a role titled something like 'MIS Parent'.
- If not, click on the 'Create New Role' option
- Give the role a title like MIS Parent, and enter a description to explain that it is for accounts generated for the Add-on tools.
- DO NOT amend any of the default permissions of the new role. This will ensure the parents are only given read only access and cannot edit your website.
Updating Add-on Settings
Once the role has been created, you will need to update the Add-on settings. Ensure the Group from the above step is selected for the contact accounts, to ensure new Parent accounts are added to the correct group. You will also need choose whether you would like bookings to be restricted to only one day, or whether you would like reminders sent the day before a parents evening begins.
Generating the Accounts
Once you have ensure there is a group in User Manager, and updated the Add-on Settings, you are ready to generate accounts:
- Go to Add-ons Tab> MIS Accounts
- The dialog will explain the process and tell you how many parent accounts will be generated.
- You can choose to create accounts either for all parents, only primary contacts with an email address.
All Contacts - the accounts with be generated for every contact associated with the child with Parental Responsiblity AND an email address (as recorded in your MIS).
Primary Contacts Only, will create accounts only for contacts who have an email address associated, and who are both Parentally Responsible, and priority contacts for a pupil (as recorded in your MIS).
Bear in mind that anyone with access to the pupil details will see ALL appointments, no matter which parent booked the appointment.
If you have any parents who you do not wish to receive an account, you will need to ensure that they are not marked as having Parental Responsibility, or as a Priority/Primary contact, as appropriate, within your MIS system. Or, that they do not have an email address associated on their record in the MIS.
All Contacts - the accounts with be generated for every contact associated with the child with Parental Responsiblity AND an email address (as recorded in your MIS).
- Once you click the Generate Contact Accounts button, an email will be sent to parents asking them to set their password.
NB If you also have the email add-on set up, the message will come from your usual email address otherwise, it will be sent from support.jw@junipereducation.org
- You can return the the Generate Accounts dialog to create accounts for any new starters, and to resend passwords to all Parental contacts who have not yet logged in.
Important Information
- If you would prefer accounts to be generated automatically when new pupil contacts are added to your MIS and synchronised to the website, this can be done through the Add-on Settings.
- Once parent accounts have been generated, they can be administered through User Manager, including allowing you to send password resets. Parents can also self-serve by clicking on 'forgot password' from the login page.