After creating a new role you must link it to a page. If you don't users with that role will not be able to access or make any changes to the specified part of the website. By default, Administrators, Publishers and Writers are already associated with all website areas.
- Navigate to a page where you would like to associate your new role.
- Select Security from the Edit tab:
Access Security Options for the Page/Item
A drop-down will appear asking if you would like to Inherit Settings:
To implement new security settings that differ from the parent page, select No. This will show all available security options for this page / item:
Add Password Protection or make Publicly Available
- Set Public Access to NO only if you want to secure this page. Users assigned roles for access will need to log in to view or edit its content. If logged out, a login option will appear in the content area when navigating to this page.
- If you want visitors to see the page then set Public Access to YES.
This action will enable password protection for the page, ensuring that only users assigned specific user roles will have access. Consequently, only those authorised individuals will be able to log in to this page.
Select Roles that can Access or Edit this Page/Item
- The menu refreshes to show a list of roles associated with the page:
- To associate a role to the page, tick the appropriate box(es). tick-list.
We advise leaving Administrator ticked so that you can always access this area.
If you have made the page secure, users will be required to log in to access the content
By default the wording above the login fields will say:
To access this area we need you to login using the email address and password provided to you by the school. Please enter this information below and click login to proceed.
An administrator can update the message for all secure pages on the site.
Saving the page
Select Save on the Edit tab and choose the desired save option:
Save Now
- If you see this option, you can save and publish your item immediately to make it live on the website.
- If you have purchased our School News Mobile App, Administrators or Publishers can select the option to send a notification to subscribed app users.
Save Draft
- This will allow you to save your item without publishing it, and return to continue editing via Drafts on the Home tab
Send for Approval
- This option enables you to send an item to be reviewed and approved by either an Administrator or Publisher. Once approved this item will be made live on the site.